19 Mar 2013

Iceland March 2013 - Day 1

Finally I am in Iceland again! It always seems to take far too long to get here, considering it's only a 2 hour 40 minute flight away, but it's definitely worth the journey. As usual I was greeted by buffeting winds, which have brought the outside air temperature down to "excrutiating." I picked up my rented car, drove the rather dull and familiar route into the city, found my apartment (same place as last year - very easy), then immediately headed out to capture the Sun Voyager sculpture at sunset, wrapped in an inadequte layer of down (note to self: full thermals under everything from now on!).

I then had a quick drink with my friend JP, a fellow cocker-spaniel owner, before having a tasty little bite to eat in Café Sólon, washed down with a local IPA. I passed a lovely pair of sculptures; I'll have to investigate a bit more in the morning.

The forecast for the northern lights is low (ie. some activity), but there's too much cloud covering the sky to see anything; will have to cross my fingers and hope for another solar event like the one that gave the locals a good show on the two days prior to my arrival! So off to bed for a relatively early night.

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