Just spent ages Googling to try to find a solution to a little problem I had - my graduated ND filter was stuck to a B+W 6-stop ND filter. As the graduated one has a ring that twists it makes it very difficult to unstick them - and obviously I had screwed it on too tight. It's happened to me a couple of times now.
What's the solution? Well, I read that you need to avoid having pressure points and should spread the pressure over the whole of the ring. Rubber bands were suggested - didn't work. Holding the filters with a tea-towel and trying to get my grip spread - didn't work. Filter wrench? Might work but don't have one to hand right now. Trying with all your might? Didnt' work. Finally I saw a suggestion to use rubber gloves - magic! Worked like a dream, in an instant!
So - filters stuck together or stuck on lens - use rubber gloves! I may have to add them as part of my camera kit when I go on my next trip!
22 Jan 2012
9 Jan 2012
Walk to Work
Tried a couple of long exposure shots on the walk along the River Thames towards the City today, on my way to work. I had planned to walk the whole 6 miles, but my photography got a little bit in the way, so I had to get the tube from Westminster in order to get in in time. I quite like the results though. Camera was propped on top of (large - purpose-bought) handbag.
Will try again in the next few weeks (before I leave - have quit the day-job again!); hopefully the clouds wills be a bit more distinct and fast-moving. These were taken without ND filters (apart from a graduated one) - will get the black glass and remote out for some really long ones.
Oh, and the river looked quite nice over the weekend too, down by Chelsea Cloisters, a new development just west of Chelsea Harbour.
I put some more photos on my flickr page.
Will try again in the next few weeks (before I leave - have quit the day-job again!); hopefully the clouds wills be a bit more distinct and fast-moving. These were taken without ND filters (apart from a graduated one) - will get the black glass and remote out for some really long ones.
Oh, and the river looked quite nice over the weekend too, down by Chelsea Cloisters, a new development just west of Chelsea Harbour.
I put some more photos on my flickr page.
5 Jan 2012
The Lures of Lisbon (and fame with National Geographic - well, their Traveler magazine anyway...)
Got my first photograph in the National Geographic Traveler Magazine this month - rather pleased with that!
Check out my photo in National Geographic Traveler here!
It was taken in the Rossio Station in Lisbon, Portugal, in November 2009, where my (now) husband and I went for a long weekend for his birthday - we decided on a little side-trip to the UNESCO World Heritage Centre of Sintra. Lisbon is a great city to wander around, and Sintra makes a really interesting day out (about an hour on the train from Rossio Station in central Lisbon).
I'm lucky enough to have a good Portuguese friend, Nuno, who gave me some tips on what to see in the centre of Lisbon. Here are some photos from around the city (sadly only on a point-and-shoot - for some reason unknown to me now, I didn't take my DSLR with me):
The Castle...
.... and the wonderful views it affords:
The old Azulejo tiles dotted around in the old bits of town:
A view in the hilly bit - Bairro Alto:
.... and museums/monuments galore in Belem:
There are some great things for the taste buds too: cherry brandy in the smallest bar in the world (probably not literally) in Alfama (no photo), pasteis de nata (custard tarts) in Belem...
.... and the most amazing grilled octopus and lemongrass creme brulee in John Malkovich's restaurant, Bico de Sapato, down on the waterfront (no decent photos, but oh, the taste is still with me!).
In the grottier parts of the city there's some interesting graffiti, some of it quite artistic (some of it not so pretty):
And so to Sintra - a couple of views of the place, where the weather was very variable:
Back in the city... there's some great modern architecture, especially around the Parque Nacoes:
Not to mention the awesome Vasco da Gama bridge:
Must try and persuade the hubby to go back - great city (and of course I'll take the DSLR this time...)!
For more photos, please have a look at my sets on Flickr - Lisbon and Sintra
Check out my photo in National Geographic Traveler here!
It was taken in the Rossio Station in Lisbon, Portugal, in November 2009, where my (now) husband and I went for a long weekend for his birthday - we decided on a little side-trip to the UNESCO World Heritage Centre of Sintra. Lisbon is a great city to wander around, and Sintra makes a really interesting day out (about an hour on the train from Rossio Station in central Lisbon).
I'm lucky enough to have a good Portuguese friend, Nuno, who gave me some tips on what to see in the centre of Lisbon. Here are some photos from around the city (sadly only on a point-and-shoot - for some reason unknown to me now, I didn't take my DSLR with me):
The Castle...
.... and the wonderful views it affords:
The old Azulejo tiles dotted around in the old bits of town:
A view in the hilly bit - Bairro Alto:
.... and museums/monuments galore in Belem:
There are some great things for the taste buds too: cherry brandy in the smallest bar in the world (probably not literally) in Alfama (no photo), pasteis de nata (custard tarts) in Belem...
.... and the most amazing grilled octopus and lemongrass creme brulee in John Malkovich's restaurant, Bico de Sapato, down on the waterfront (no decent photos, but oh, the taste is still with me!).
In the grottier parts of the city there's some interesting graffiti, some of it quite artistic (some of it not so pretty):
And so to Sintra - a couple of views of the place, where the weather was very variable:
Back in the city... there's some great modern architecture, especially around the Parque Nacoes:
Not to mention the awesome Vasco da Gama bridge:
Must try and persuade the hubby to go back - great city (and of course I'll take the DSLR this time...)!
For more photos, please have a look at my sets on Flickr - Lisbon and Sintra